Dr. 亚当·詹森


办公室: DSCH 336   |    电话: (308) 865-8878   |    电子邮件: jensenag@tafinancial.net

Dr. 亚当·詹森


我从很小的时候就对科学感兴趣, and I remember checking out library books on topics ranging from paleontology to zoology to chemistry to astronomy. However, astronomy was the interest that ultimately stuck.  I began my academic career at the 内布拉斯加大学-Omaha, obtaining B.Sc. degrees in physics (with a mathematics minor) and computer science. 从这里,我得到了M.Sc. 和Ph值.D. degrees in Astrophysical and Planetary 科学 at the University of Colorado-Boulder. I held postdoctoral positions at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (through the NASA Postdoctoral Program and the University of Maryland) and Wesleyan University (in Middletown, CT) before spending a year as a lecturer at the 内布拉斯加大学-Lincoln. 我在2014年来到体育菠菜大平台. 我为博士学位做的研究.D. thesis and in my first postdoc dealt with the atomic gas-phase abundances in the interstellar medium, and trying to understand how these abundances change as the environment becomes denser and dustier. My move to Wesleyan in 2010 signaled a shift in my research to the atmospheres of exoplanets. You can read more about my research under "研究兴趣" below.

在个人方面,我已婚,有三个孩子.  My biggest active hobby is music - I am an electric guitarist, 电贝斯手, and singer at my church and I generally enjoy making noise with guitars, 键, 在家里使用效果踏板.  I also enjoy TV and movies; you’re likely to find me at the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe movie or other sci-fi blockbuster, 尽管科学内容经常受到质疑.  最后,我喜欢玩和看体育比赛.  My favorite sport to play is racquetball, which I do at 体育菠菜大平台 regularly.  I dabble in watching most of the major pro and college sports, but my biggest sports dream is that I will get to see a Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl Championship in my lifetime; this feels a little closer thanks to the emergence of Patrick Mahomes II!


It's somewhat simpler to define how I do research than what I research. 我是一名吸收光谱学家, 意思是我研究天体的光谱, examining absorption lines caused by intervening material. 一般光谱学, and particularly spectroscopy of atomic gas-phase material, provides a "fingerprint" of chemical composition and indicates temperature, 运动, 等. I study two very different types of "intervening material": the interstellar medium and exoplanetary atmospheres.  (系外行星是指太阳系以外的行星.我读的是ISM的博士学位.D. and in my first postdoctoral position; beginning with my second postdoctoral position, 我更关注系外行星的大气, 虽然它们都是我正在进行的项目的一部分.

My primary current expertise is in the study of hydrogen alpha absorption in the atmospheres of “hot Jupiter” exoplanets, 离恒星很近的巨型气体系外行星.  The hydrogen alpha absorption line is a common spectroscopic line seen throughout the Universe, indicating a warm form of hydrogen; it’s a red color of light that contributes to the pinkish color of gaseous nebulas seen in space.  In 2012 I published the first detection ever of this spectroscopic line in the atmosphere of an exoplanet; recently, in 2018, I published another detection of this line in a different exoplanet, 这是迄今为止第四次这样的探测.

My research has enabled me to use some of the biggest and/or most famous telescopes in the world, 比如哈勃太空望远镜, 夏威夷的凯克望远镜, 以及德克萨斯州的霍比-埃伯利望远镜.  My side research projects include looking at Kepler data for new transiting exoplanets and interstellar medium projects related to dust- and gas-phase composition.


我教各种各样的物理和天文学课程.  I particularly enjoy teaching topics where I get to solve problems and interact with students as they work through their understanding of a problem.


I present multiple planetarium shows per semester at 体育菠菜大平台’s planetarium, 要么去我的班级, 学校组织, 或者在“星期五天文”节目中向公众展示.”  I am also a part of NASA’s NExSS (Nexus for Exoplanet Systems Science) Research Consortium, a group looking for interdisciplinary ways to better understand exoplanets and the conditions that affect potential habitability.



  • Hydrogen and Sodium Absorption in the Optical Transmission Spectrum of WASP-12b詹森,A. G.考利,P. W.雷德菲尔德,南卡罗来纳州.科克伦,W. D.Endl, M., 2018,天文学报,156,154
  • A Decade of H-alpha Transits for HD 189733b: Stellar Activity versus Absorption in the Extended Atmosphere考利,P. W.雷德菲尔德,南卡罗来纳州.詹森,A. G., 2017,天文学报,153,217
  • Evidence for Abnormal H-alpha Variability During Near Transit Observations of HD 189733b考利,P. W.雷德菲尔德,南卡罗来纳州.詹森,A. G., 2017,天文学报,153,185
  • A Search for H-alpha Absorption around KELT-3b and GJ 436b考利,P. W.雷德菲尔德,南卡罗来纳州.詹森,A. G., 2017,天文学杂志,153,81
  • Variation in the Pre-transit Balmer Line Signal Around the Hot Jupiter HD 189733b考利,P. W.雷德菲尔德,南卡罗来纳州.詹森,A. G.巴曼,T., 2016,《最大的菠菜的平台》,152,20
  • Optical Hydrogen Absorption Consistent with a Thin Bow Shock Leading the Hot Jupiter HD 189733b考利,P. W.雷德菲尔德,南卡罗来纳州.詹森,A. G.酒保,T.M ..科克伦,W., 2017,天体物理学报,810,13
  • 开普勒search卷中的星际介质约翰逊,M。. C.雷德菲尔德,南卡罗来纳州.詹森,A. G. 2015,天体物理学报,807,162
  • 系外行星外逸层中h - α的探测詹森,A. G.雷德菲尔德,南卡罗来纳州.M ..科克伦,W. D.L .科斯特克.巴曼,T. 2012,天体物理学报,751,86
  • A Survey of Alkali Line Absorption in Exoplanetary Atmospheres詹森,A. G.雷德菲尔德,南卡罗来纳州.M ..科克伦,W. D.L .科斯特克.巴曼,T. 2012,天体物理学报,743,203


  • 副教授, 内布拉斯加大学-Kearney, Department of 物理 & 物理科学,2018-至今
  • 助理教授, 内布拉斯加大学-Kearney, Department of 物理 & 物理科学,2014-2018
  • 讲师, 内布拉斯加大学-Lincoln, Department of 物理 & 天文学,2013 - 2014
  • 博士后学者卫斯理大学天文系,2010-2013
  • 客座助理教授卫斯理大学天文系,2012
  • 博士后研究人员, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/University of Maryland, 2009-2010
  • 美国宇航局博士后项目研究员美国宇航局戈达德太空飞行中心/ORAU, 2007-2009年
  • 兼职讲师2005-2006年,Front Range社区学院教授
  • 最大的菠菜的平台导师,科罗拉多大学博尔德分校,2005-2006


  • Ph.D.,天体物理学 & Planetary 科学, University of Colorado-Boulder, 2007
  • M.Sc.,天体物理学 & Planetary 科学, University of Colorado-Boulder, 2004
  • B.Sc., 物理 (Minor: Mathematics), 内布拉斯加大学-Omaha, 2001
  • B.Sc.,计算机科学,内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校,2001年